The High-Tech Texan Blog

Thursday, June 24, 2010

iPhone 4 Released. Oops!

Did you wait in line this morning to get your fourth fix of Apple's iPhone? Millions of productive hours were wasted worldwide but if standing in line drooling for a few hours floats your boat then YOU GO FOR IT!

Anxious to hear your initial thoughts on the new hardware. I downloaded the new OS on my (gasp...OLDER!) 3Gs model last night. I like the new features. Some people are already reporting issues with the new hardware including yellow screen discoloration or white blotches.

I still like the Sprint HTC EVO (needs more batt power) and the Motorola Droid X from Verizon Wireless looks nice. I will be getting that in my hands within the next 24 hours to play with.

Talk to me!

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  • yeah, i can't stand not to have one. I'm sure many will grab the chance to buy such type of model while some will just wait for the time it becomes cheap. Meanwhile, i'll just stick to my Sony Ericsson XPERIA X1

    By Anonymous willow, at 8:58 PM  

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    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:19 AM  

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