The High-Tech Texan Blog

Friday, April 04, 2008

Live from the Shell Houston Open

Fore! I'm back live for the first time in a few weeks. We don't need a studio to broadcast so we continue the 4 year old tradition of doing our show live from the Shell Houston Open. It's not really a stretch...I'm a golf fan, the organizers asked us to go out there plus I can hang up the mic and quickly head over to the Redstone Villa on the 18th green.

The three hours should fly by with topics like:

West University cell phone ban (I can't wait to here your thoughts on this one)
Money lost on Net scams hit an all time high
iTunes is #1 in music sales but MySpace launches a challenge
XP hanging around a few more years

Plus we'll hunting for pro golfers coming off the course and a strong interview with a representative of Disc Inc. Ths is the company to call if your hard drive freezes up.

Also, to log on to our video conference use this link.

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