The High-Tech Texan Blog

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Aero iPod?

What to do on those long cross-country flights? If you don't have your Mile-High Club membership then download music.

Companies that develop inflight entertainment (IFE) systems for airlines have been in discussions with Apple about integrating the iPod and iTunes into IFE systems, according to several of the companies. Proposed applications include seatback-based iPod docks with USB and charging ports, allowing passengers to charge song and video purchases to frequent-flyer miles, and adding other ecommerce applications.

Numerous obstacles stand in the way of inflight downloads, including changing Apple's licensing, so that songs downloaded directly to an iPod in the air could later be copied back to a customer's hard drive, and the issue of licensing and payment while a plane is in international airspace.

Then, there's the issue of getting Apple to participate in the first place.